Monday, 6 May 2013

Free VPN Provider CyberGhost VPN Launched Crowdfunding Campaign on Indiegogo

Bucharest (PRWEB) November 29, 2012

CyberGhost already operates a Free VPN service with 1.7 million registered users, but because of the traffic and servers costs, the service has a traffic and server slot limitation. The company relies now on its supporters to improve the Free VPN service and offer it without traffic limitations and more servers. The campaign will run for a month on Indiegogo and its goal is raising up to $ 100.000 or more.

Cowdfunding is a really interesting new way to raise money for a Free service like ours. People dont invest or donate. Its an exchange between funds from supporters and rewards from us. Thats a good deal for both sides! said Robert Knapp, co-founder and CEO of CyberGhost SRL. The alternative would be co-financing the Free service with ads. But selling ads is at the end always selling user data. That does not go very well with a privacy product like CyberGhost VPN.

Founders contributions will be rewarded with perks ranging from merchandise items, like T-shirts and posters, to lifetime CyberGhost subscriptions for the Premium Service, visits to the companys HQ, dedicated servers they can share with up to 49 or 99 friends, and the possibility of giving a server a name of their choice, be it that of their pet, favorite band, wife or even their company.

Right now there are some interesting perks for early birds:

$ 25 (Early bird): Founders get a 1 year CyberGhost Premium Plus VPN subscription which is usually sold for $ 159,99 + 1 T-Shirt I saved the whole internet and all I got was this lousy T-shirt. The perk is limited on the first 500 backers.

$ 250 (Early bird): Founders can amongst other things name a server, which is a pretty good advertising deal for small or local businesses, startups, bands or brands. It means that these names or URLs shows up on the server list of CyberGhosts website and client forever thousands of users look on that list every single day. Thats an amazing CPM* at the end of the day (*CPM stands for “cost per thousand”)

The campaign can be found at:

The Install the Internet app featured in the campaign video can be downloaded just for fun from:

About CyberGhost S.R.L.

Founded in 2011 in Bucharest, Romania, or as we like to call it, Europes new Silicon Valley, CyberGhost S.R.L. is one of the most known VPN supplier worldwide. In April 2012 the company started to roll out its secure cloud storage service.

The company consists of 20 employees, a developing team in Germany and a group of young, highly motivated IT experts in the companys headquarters in Bucharest, Romania, who established in an extremely short time an extraordinary service with more than 1.7 million users, meant to provide the best and most effective way of Internet security: anonymity!

Have a look at the Ghostie family here:

About Indiegogo

Indiegogo is an international crowd funding site founded by Danae Ringelmann, Slava Rubin, and Eric Schell in 2008. Its headquarters are in San Francisco, California. As of 2012, it has hosted over 100,000 funding campaigns in areas such as music, charity, small business and film.

Press Contact:

For further questions, inquiries about cooperation and to order more information and material (e.g. screenshots, graphics and specimen copies), please contact

Selena Arsene

E-mail: selena.arsene(at)cyberghost(dot)ro

Press Officer

CyberGhost SRL

Free VPN Provider CyberGhost VPN Launched Crowdfunding Campaign on Indiegogo

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