Wednesday, 22 May 2013

New Version of Snip-It Pro Makes it Easier to Manage Snippets with Syntax Highlighting, Snippet Templates, Automatic Comments and Integration with

Staten Island, NY (PRWEB) June 1, 2009

Mtelligent Solutions llc today announced a new version of Snip-It Pro, a code and text snippet manager best known for its innovative user interface that allows it to be used like a plug in for almost any application. The new version introduces several new and useful features as well as a redesigned user interface for editing snippets that supports syntax highlighting many popular languages including C, C#, C++, CSS, HTML, Java, JavaScript, Perl, PHP, Python, SQL, VB, and more.

One of the more powerful new features of Snip-It Pro is the ability to use template code snippets. To use this feature, simply define placeholders in a snippet by surrounding text with double square brackets. Then before use, use the “Snippet Configuration” bar to specify replacement values for those placeholders. This makes it easy to produce variations of snippets with ease. This is particularly useful for saved SQL queries as complex queries can easily be customized by defining parameters as placeholders.

Automatic commenting adds traceability to the use of code snippets. When code is copy or pasted from other projects or from sources found online, there was usually no way to determine where a snippet came from. This was a common criticism of using code snippets. Snip-It Pro now has the ability to automatically add traceability to snippets by inserting comments above a snippet when it is used. These comments can provide a unique ID searchable by Snip-It Pro, a reference url, the user who inserted the snippet and the date the snippet was inserted automatically.

This feature is complimented by Snip-It Pro’s ability to automatically track the url source when code is copied from the web. With so much code being published online on blogs, open source code repositories, code sharing communities and other technical websites, Snip-It Pro has the features that make it easy to categorize and store the code snippets that you care about without losing track of where they came from.

Snip-It Pro now integrates with, an online community dedicated to sharing code snippets. Snipplr is home to over 13,000 snippets that were saved by over 12,000 users. Almost 8,000 snippets have been added in the last year alone. Now when you “favorite” a snippet on Snipplr, it is available to use right in the snippet toolbar. Snip-It Pro also enables the publishing of locally stored snippets directly to Snipplr.

“The new features of Snip-It Pro are designed to make individuals and teams more productive,” according to David San Filippo, creator of Snip-It Pro. “Code snippet templates save time by making it easy to customize snippets before they are used. Automatic commenting makes it easy to trace where a snippet came from and this is useful not only to the person who used the snippet, but to the entire team who works on that project.”

These features add more capabilities to Snip-It Pro’s other useful features like clipboard monitoring, built in search, global hot key support and more. For more information or to watch a short overview video of the features of Snip-It Pro visit: To download a free 30 day fully functional trial of Snip-It Pro visit: To purchase Snip-It Pro for only $ 39.95, visit:

About Mtelligent Solutions llc

Launched in early 2008, Mtelligent Solutions llc is a micro ISV run by David San Filippo. David is a .Net architect and consultant who has coauthored articles for MSDN magazine and the Microsoft Architecture Journal. You can read about his opinions on technology and the development of Snip-It Pro on his blog at

If you’d like more information about this topic, or to schedule an interview with David San Filippo, please call 917-720-7225 or e-mail David at info (at) snipitpro (dot) com.

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New Version of Snip-It Pro Makes it Easier to Manage Snippets with Syntax Highlighting, Snippet Templates, Automatic Comments and Integration with

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