Saturday, 4 May 2013

Dynaread planning fMRI Research into New Dyslexia Remediation Program

Seattle, WA (PRWEB) November 30, 2012

With research underway in Vancouver schools by the University of British Columbia, Dynaread Special Education Corporation desires to broaden their research efforts and further document the effectiveness of Dynaread as an online learn-to-read remediation method for children with dyslexia.

fMRI Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging ( is a technique used to provide detailed maps of the brain to see how a persons brain is functioning while performing a task such as reading. This information can provide important clues about the cause and treatments of certain neurological disorders, such as dyslexia.

fMRI can be used to monitor neurological changes in a persons brain. Mark Wessinger PhD, Dynaread Head of Science, states: Efforts are underway to utilize fMRI techniques to assess brain changes related to the use of our program. Researchers will scan for demonstrated progress being achieved in children using Dynaread and measure how receptive the brain is to this type of dyslexia remediation.

Dynaread is currently seeking additional funds for this project to expedite the launch of this fMRI research. For more information or funding participation, please contact Dynaread CEO Hans J.A. Dekkers.

Dynaread Special Education Corporation offers an online science-based learn-to-read remediation program specifically designed for older struggling readers (age 7+). Its 18 month curriculum structurally expands reading vocabulary and improves reading fluency and comprehension. For more information on Dynaread please visit: (

The fMRI research is tentatively scheduled to be conducted at the Center for Functional and Molecular Imaging (CFMI) at Georgetown University Medical Centre. CFMI uses state of the art equipment and advanced methodologies to study a wide range of brain issues. (

Dynaread will be working closely with members of CMFI to define specific research criteria and parameters and prepare for an effective launch.

Dynaread will be approaching schools in the Washington DC area when preparatory negotiations with CFMI are completed.

The total research time of this project is approximately 18 months, with fMRI scans before commencement, mid-term, and upon completion of working with Dynaread. The Dynaread Science Team is excited to launch this new fMRI research project. It is expected to deliver valuable insights into Dynareads effect on a childs brain reading circuits, enabling the team to further optimize the method and continue their strive for maximum success in dyslexia remediation.

For more information:

Contact: C. Mark Wessinger, PhD

Phone: Dynaread +1 800 449 1588

E-mail: cmwessinger(at)dynaread(dot)com

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Dynaread planning fMRI Research into New Dyslexia Remediation Program

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