Friday, 11 October 2013

Effective Search Engine Promotion and Link Building ? Can everyone find the Real SEO Consultants ?

(PRWEB) September 13, 2003

Keyword Research & web site Analysis

Our qualified SEO Expert will analyze the company’s website and the nature of their business. Examining all site links, and mapping out the changes that will improve both search engine and customer navigation. Ensuring that links to all the pages in their entire site are available one link away from the home page. Script analysis – ways to keep the functionality of their site while improving the search engine ranking.

Utilizing proprietary competition and traffic analysis tools, we will identify the most relevant keywords and phrases for use in promoting their website. This is one of the most important components of a successful optimization, and surprisingly, it is here that most would-be “search engine experts” fall short. We have an extremely rigorous keyword research process that allows us to identify real keywords and phrases that web users search for to find companies.

Title & Meta tags

The Title, Keywords, and Description tags of a site mean a lot to search engines. We optimize these components for your site based on current search engine trends. We recommend new Title, Keyword, and Description tags, and suggest other measures to make your pages more search-engine friendly.

Optimizing your pages

To optimize and increase the number of effective visitors to your site, we optimize most of your pages for your keywords/phrases. We follow content focus search engine optimization, by which we only optimize your site by adding search engine friendly – keyword rich content. Pages are specifically optimized according to the different themes that are featured on your site.

For Dynamic Content Web sites

As innovative as the search engines are, many still have problems crawling and indexing dynamic, frame, and JavaScript pages. Almost all search engines will reject dynamically generated pages with URL’s that contain a “?”, “%” or other similar characters. Fancy pages designed in frames or with JavaScript also get in the way of the spiders. JavaScript at the top of your page, for example, pushes relevant, keyword-rich content further down the page and therefore negatively impacts your search engine ranking.. Programmers who design fancy pages produce aesthetically pleasing results, but unfortunately have no regard for the search engine crawlability of the page.

To over come these difficulties we design custom pages. Our SEO technicians will create custom set of pages, which are engineered with mathematical precision to allow your website to communicate with the major search engines. However, we do not alter or modify your website’s design or functionality in any way. These pages are hosted on your site and connected to all the main sections of your site.

Directory Placement

Having your website listed in the major Internet search directories such as Yahoo, DMOZ etc. increases the probability that your website will rank highly. Since other major search engines look at directory listings to measure your website’s credibility, it is absolutely crucial that your website is indexed. However, an improper website description or irrelevant category placement can compromise the effectiveness of this critical strategy. To ensure that your directory listing is made properly the first time, we will complete the entire directory listing application on your behalf. Let our experience work for you. Wait to submit to directories such as Yahoo until you have retained our firm for a full-scale optimization.

Hand Submission

We submit your website to the major search engines by hand, and we continue to re-submit your optimized pages with the utmost frequency allowed by each individual search engine. Other SEO firms will use automated software programs to submit your website, but these programs are often counter-productive, because the major search engines can detect mechanical submissions. In many cases your website’s positioning may actually be penalized for utilizing automatic software submission. Search engines may

perceive this as SPAM. Hand submissions are the only way to ensure that the submission process is executed properly. Also we submit your site to your industry related and regional search engines and directories

Link Popularity Networking

As search engines become more intelligent, they are beginning to focus on many new ranking criteria. Link popularity means that the more external links that are made to your website, the more popular your website is perceived to be, and thus the higher it will rank. Link Popularity constitutes approximately 50% of Google’s ranking algorithm. We have developed a proprietary method for enhancing your relevant link popularity, in order to allow your website to comply with the ranking criteria of the future.

Maintenance & Placement Tracking

A successful search engine optimization includes results with longevity. In order to maintain top positions, frequent submissions are absolutely necessary for most businesses. Additionally, search engine algorithms change, and in order for your website to comply with the latest ranking criteria, it is necessary to maintenance your optimized files with updates and finely tuned modifications.

Periodically you will receive a full ranking report that shows your website’s position in all of the major search engines and for each keyword and phrase that we have identified. These detailed reports provide you with the information necessary to gauge your website’s visibility and progress throughout the optimization process.

Why we are different

-We don’t do anything without proper research and strategy – we have a very human approach to search engine optimization.

-We study our client’s market and do proper competitors research.

-We don’t do any cloaking; we follow content focus web site optimization process.

-We don’t spam the search engines by keyword stuffing, over submitting, hidding text, submit numerous web pages created specifically for the search engines and not for viewers.

-We don’t use any automated submission software, we believe in careful control or our submission process and follow all the rules & regulations set by the individual search engine and directories.


>From research and development to reporting and analysis, our search engine optimization program provides clients with a full range of reports and deliverables.


We are here to get you long time QUALITY RESULTS on the Search Engines and a Good Page Rank at Google.


APART FROM THE ABOVE, we submit your website(s) and all pages contained in it and linked from the homepage to 1000+ Search Engines and a Detailed Report is also sent within 24-48 hours.

About The Author

Nakul Goyal is the co-founder of ( an experienced and professional search engine optimization company that specializes in SEO, SEM and PPC. If you are looking for some information and updates and t clear any doubts you may have, call Nakul at 877-822-0875 or send an email to

Effective Search Engine Promotion and Link Building ? Can everyone find the Real SEO Consultants ?

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