Monday, 29 April 2013

MyEclipse 8.5: A Practical Perspective on Application Life Cycle Management for Developers

Flower Mound, TX (Vocus) March 24, 2010

Genuitec, LLC, a founding and strategic member of the Eclipse Foundation, today announced the production release of MyEclipse Enterprise Workbench 8.5. The newest release is built to support enterprises and empower developers focused on Application Lifecycle Management (ALM) by providing a robust platform for managing tools, projects, teams, software delivery and updates. The release also supports Spring 3.0, popular persistence frameworks updates and expands coverage for server connectors.

MyEclipse is a one-of-a-kind technology that encompasses not only the development tooling, but also provides persistent, team-focused ALM features, said Todd Williams, vice president of technology for Genuitec. With the power to visualize the progress of projects and the ability to look at what team members are doing with those projects, MyEclipse not only helps developers create software, but helps them manage it as well.

MyEclipse has also updated persistence tooling, with the inclusion of Spring 3.0 and Hibernate 3.3, allowing users to reverse engineer, deploy and run applications using the most recent production release of these frameworks.

MyEclipse continues to expand its server coverage with new connectors for Glassfish 3, JBoss 6, Resin 4, Jetty 7, JOnAS 5, Spring tc Server and Sun Java System Web Server 7.

In the past three months, our team has created the newly-released MyEclipse for Spring in partnership with Skyway Software as well as delivering MyEclipse customers infused team collaboration technologies through Pulse, said Brian Fernandes, MyEclipse product manager for Genuitec. If you haven’t checked out MyEclipse in a while, it’s a whole new, powerful product and still at the industrys most overwhelming value.

Other recent enhancements to MyEclipse include the world’s first remote, real-time Internet Explorer JavaScript debugger, WTP project support built-in, a standalone Java profiler, UML 2 upgrades, Struts 2 support, and a Visual SQL Builder among many other tools.

Subscriptions to MyEclipse are available annually for about $ 30, $ 50 or $ 150 for the Standard, Professional and Blue Editions respectively. The newly-announced MyEclipse for Spring is $ 99 during a special promotional period ending in just a few days, with regular annual pricing at $ 199 per seat.

MyEclipse 8.5 is available for all editions at and is free for a trial period. Free trial users and those with current subscriptions receive all upgrades and full support at no additional charge.

About MyEclipse

Developers worldwide choose MyEclipse because it is the most affordable and comprehensive J2EE IDE and Web development tool suite for the Eclipse open-source platform. MyEclipse is the Eclipse plugin-based solution for all your UML, Ajax, Web, Web Services, J2EE, JSP, XML, Struts, JSF, Java Persistence, EJB, extended database support, profiling and application server integration needs.

About Genuitec

Genuitec, LLC, is an Eclipse-based company offering innovative Java and J2EE development tools. Genuitec offers training and expert consulting and development services for the Eclipse SDK and Rich Client Platforms. An original sponsor of Eclipse Plug-in Central, Genuitec joined the Eclipse Foundation early in 2003 and is currently supporting Eclipse as a strategic member on the Foundation’s board of directors. Genuitec LLC was founded in 1997 and is headquartered in Flower Mound, Texas.

Genuitec and MyEclipse are trademarks of Genuitec, LLC. All other brand or product names may be trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective companies and should be treated as such. JRE, Java and all Java-based marks are trademarks or registered trademarks of Sun Microsystems, Inc. in the United States and other countries.

*Please follow Genuitecs latest news by joining MyEclipse or MyEclipseIDE on Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn social media Web sites.


MyEclipse 8.5: A Practical Perspective on Application Life Cycle Management for Developers

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