Athens, Greece (PRWEB) April 22, 2010
Likno Software announces the latest version of its product Likno Drop Down Menu Trees (v 1.1 build 142). Likno Drop-Down Menu Trees is a cross-browser, platform-independent hierarchical navigation control for web pages built using JavaScript/DHTML technologies. It does not require any plug-ins or extensions to work on browsers and users can easily create & change the style of the menu tree and even customize each item using a different icon/design.
View some examples at:
Features in new version:
Added support for sub-domains, numeric IPs & unlimited domains.
Bug Fixes
Some main features of Likno Drop-Down Menu Trees are:
Themes comprising of different icons, CSS styles for the nodes, and background properties.
Styles can be defined individually for three different states, normal, mouse over and selected
Icons can be defined for each of the states mentioned above, and for each node, closed or open branch
Different icons can be individually set for specific nodes (that is, not following the tree theme)
Any number of CSS classes can be dynamically added and used or changed for different nodes or branches of the tree
Unlimited number of trees in the same page
Unlimited nodes and/or levels (depth)
Support for either fixed box size trees with scrollbars, or freely expandable
Attach tree to any HTML element on the page
Support for multiple selection trees (can be used as check boxes), optional use of the CTRL modifier key to add to selection
Custom context menu with user-defined items, following the tree theme
Visit link in a target frame, and/or execute a Javascript command when clicking on a node
Support for tool tips and custom status bar messages on mouse over for each node
Ability to associate custom user-defined data with each node (and perform sorting and other operations on them)
Comprehensive client-side API, including functions for manipulating all aspects of the tree, sorting, searching for nodes, dynamically inserting or deleting nodes, etc.
For more info on Likno Drop Down Menu Trees, please visit:
Likno Drop Down Menu Trees costs $ 35 (3-domain license). Download at:
About Likno Software
Likno Software, is a leading software development company that over the past years has managed to establish itself in the international community of web developers as a leader in JavaScript / DHTML technology through its advanced software and services.
Product Website:
Menu Trees Gallery:
Vicky Pallis, Marketing Associate
marketing (at) likno (dot) com
Likno Drop Down Menu Trees Version 1.1.142 has Been Released by Likno Software
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