(PRWEB) November 11, 2002
STUDIO CITY, CA., November 9, 2002 – CBS Studio Center Computer Training Classes offers, FREE COMPUTER TRAINING CLASSES. You receive a free class with any scheduled class purchase. Helps computer users get more work done in less time, improve company security, reduce stress and increases productivity in an entertaining atmosphere. California is 1st in the U.S. for overall number of high-tech workers and 2nd for average high-tech wage, according to U.S. Department of Labor, Bureau of Labor Statistics, Covered Employment and Wages reported by American Electronics Association in CyberStates 2002: A State-by-State Overview of the High-Technology Industry. State rankings include Washington, DC and the 50 states. This report also states, High-tech industry workers earn an average of $ 36,300 more per year than other private sector workers. CBS Studio Center Computer Training prepares you for the real world employment environment, with the skills most in demand.
Visit the new CBS Studio Center Computer Training NEW WEBSITE: http://training.cbssc.com.
New training season starting this fall with all new courses. Classes are available in an exciting 4-hour impact class format. Morning classes are held from 8-12 a.m., Afternoon 1-5 p.m., and Evening 6-9 p.m. Classes are held on the CBS Studio Lot 4024 Radford Avenue Studio City, CA 9000. Most of their students are employed and want to learn or improve their computer skills for career opportunities. Others are recently unemployed, and still others are sent by their corporations to improve security and efficiency skills. Attendees of classes reported the highest level of satisfaction and learning. Reporting that the multi-certified instructor is one of the best in the nation. Optional Yoga breathing techniques are provided, before, after and during breaks for student’s convenience to promote learning and reduce stress.
Classes Offered: Word-processing (Word/WordPerfect), spreadsheet (Excel/Quattro Pro), Database (Access), Presentation (PowerPoint), Internet, HTML, FrontPage, JavaScript, Graphics, Technical and more.
To enroll, Contact Marsha Gaspar at(818) 655-6221 or Email: marshag@cbssc.com 4024 Radford Avenue MIS Studio City, California 90604
Flexibility: Most training companies only offer a set schedule of public classes with limited options for on-site training, private classes, and 1-on-1 tutoring. CBS Studio Center Computer Training, far above the rest, succeeds in accommodating any customer’s scheduling needs. Half days, full days or hourly; weekdays, evenings, or weekends; one-on-one, groups or public classes, they aim to please.
Pricing: We offer the same services as the national organizations for less money. Computer Training’s prices for superior quality training are lower in comparison to competing firms. Compare rates for yourself at http://training.cbssc.com/membership
Many companies shed light on this situation:
They claim competitors simply charge too much. Voucher and membership discounts are excellent values.
They provide:
· “Hands on” training in fully equipped “live” computer labs on individual workstations.
· Instructor led sessions by a highly qualified instructor that will take you through the various applications step-by-step.
· Instruction is complimented with manuals and relevant exercises to allow for practical application of learned components.
· Skill level is assessed to identify current skill level. Design a specialized training program based on existing knowledge, experience and career goal.
FREE assistance with resumes and cover letter
Telephone: (818) 655-6221
Email: marshag@cbssc.com
4024 Radford Avenue MIS
Studio City, California 90604
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