Wednesday, 10 July 2013

Comprehensive Enhancements with SoftCare K4 Version 5.7

Hamburg, Germany (PRWEB) January 24, 2007

Version 5.7 of Adobe InDesign-based publishing solution SoftCare K4 is now available. The new version includes comprehensive enhancements that help publishers boost productivity. Among the new features are a new scripting interface for automating customer-specific processes as well as the optional K4 Web Editor 2.0 for writing articles to fit in a web browser. With this new tool, SoftCare offers significantly more flexibility in including the staff from remote locations in the work processes.

Other improvement to increase user comfort with SoftCare K4 include the new easy query mode that supports quick search for document names, and improved accessibility with larger fonts in the job lists. The easy query mode allows users to search for objects without defining a query, simply by searching for object name, issue, section or status, or a combination of these properties. The easy query mode can be used to search for layouts, articles, pictures, ads and other K4 objects. All results are updated automatically and in real time.

Scripting Interface and K4 Web Editor 2.0 for Greater Flexibility

A major improvement in Version 5.7 enables functions provided by K4 to be accessed automatically through scripts (JavaScript, AppleScript, Visual Basic), thereby improving speed and productivity within the editorial workflow. “We concentrate our development on creating an open editorial system that can be integrated and adjusted quickly in order to suit the customer’s processes without any problems. The new scripting functionality underlines this approach. SoftCare K4 can therefore noticeably increase comfort and efficiency of our users”, says Andreas Schrader, Managing Director of SoftCare.

Editors who report on current events while on the road, freelancers that are only contributing from time to time, and employees who do not have Adobe InCopy installed are getting a mighty tool with the K4 Web Editor 2.0 that enables them to write articles to fit from any computer – with nothing more than a Web browser and an Internet connection. K4 Web Editor 2.0 renders a complete preview of the article and the layout. For this, K4 Web Editor uses Adobe InDesign Server that centrally calculates overset and renders previews. With enhanced security mechanisms, high scalability and detailed functionalities, the K4 Web Editor 2.0 perfectly fits into the K4 environment. It offers tools for loading missing fonts, offers font mapping whenever license restrictions apply. It also allows users to work offline.

SoftCare K4 version 5.7 is available from K4 System Integrators worldwide. Customers using K4 version 5.0 or higher with valid maintenance agreements are eligible for a free upgrade. K4 supports Mac OS X and Windows clients in mixed-platform environments. The server software is available for Mac OS X Server, Windows, Sun Solaris and Linux.

About SoftCare

SoftCare was founded in 1990 and is a leading developer of workflow solutions for the publishing industry, helping magazine, newspaper and book publishers work more efficiently. The efficient, integrated publishing solution SoftCare K4 combines efficient working process with verifiable time and cost benefits for users and is now regarded as a standard product within the industry. SoftCare K2, the workgroup system, has provided an excellent base product for people entering the world of professional publishing. The system is ideal for small workgroups that want to combine creative know-how with efficient processes. Simple and secure use as well as flexibility and stability represent decisive benefits for the user. SoftCare K4 has been successfully implemented at sites ranging from 10 to more than 1,000 users. Both solutions support Mac OS X and Windows clients in mixed-platform environments, as well as all current server platforms. SoftCare teams up with trained System Integrators to ensure high-quality service and support for the system on a local level.

For further information please contact:

SoftCare Software-Service GmbH

Anna-Lena Hanel

Public Relations


Comprehensive Enhancements with SoftCare K4 Version 5.7

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