Saturday, 20 July 2013

Pacific Software Publishing, Inc. Announces that has Reached 10 Million Views

Bellevue, WA (PRWEB) August 17, 2006

Today, Pacific Software Publishing, Inc. (hereafter PSPINC) announced that reached 10 million views. is a free FLASH based clock rental service that PSPINC started on November 21, 2003.

PSPINC didnt have a business model for this clock service at first since they had no idea how many users they would get. But they figured more business plans would come along once there were more users.

PSPSINC originally came up with this clock service in the beginning of 2003 when it discovered, a website which provided a very stylish and never before seen free clock service. However, their clocks had one major problem. The time displayed was the clock users local computer time and not a centrally maintained time. That meant that when a viewer in the US saw the clock on a web site in Japan, it showed them the US time, not the time in Japan where the clock had been posted. PSPINC felt that if they were to introduce this kind of service to the world, they would want to display any time zone in the world.

They had to consider many things: How would we display the users time zone on the viewers screen in a different time zone? How would we reduce the time difference caused by Internet connection speeds? How would we set time zones? Some countries utilize daylight saving time, while others dont. They decided that they needed to focus on answering these questions before setting up a business model. They concentrated on finding these solutions and on creating better designs than those on Their programmers and graphic (FLASH) designers started working on this project without initial profit from

They created the clocks and put them online for the first time on November 21, 2003. They also introduced the service to the public on their website and newsletter. Then little by little the number of users increased and they kept on creating newly designed clocks. Yet things still didnt go smoothly after that. In 2004, they added new time zones, which they didnt know existed. Some bugs came up and their server crashed a few times. They cleared things up, and finally in January 2006, the service grew to count 5,000,000 clock views in 24 hours, and the views kept increasing by 1,000,000 per month.

Clocklinks service had stabilized and was going well when a fatal problem appeared in April 2006. Microsoft lost a lawsuit and removed the Flash auto play function from Internet Explorer. The banner that appears when the view hovers their mouse over the clock no longer displayed because of this change. As a result, the number of click-throughs of the Clocklink clocks went down significantly. Because they could not increase new users, they developed new programs which supports the JavaScript tag and not the Flash code in order to fix the issue.

By this time the service had grown to a count of 700,000,000 views per day. They then focused on creating new design clocks and came up with their business plan which calls for cooperation with blog sites all over the world. In June of 2006, they bought all the clocks from, their original source of inspiration, and Butabon stopped their own clock service. In July 2006, reached 9,000,000 views, then at last over 10,000,000 views on August 7, 2007.

We are now going to sell our clocks as an advertising media, and cooperate with blog sites and SNS services. Eventually, we plan to build it up so that when people hear the word clock, is the first thing that comes to mind, says PSPINC.


Ken Uchikura

Mayumi Nakamura


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Pacific Software Publishing, Inc. Announces that has Reached 10 Million Views

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