Thursday, 5 September 2013

Independent Developer Resource Site Launched for Apple Dashboard

(PRWEB) April 14, 2005

In anticipation of the upcoming release of Apple’s Mac OS X 10.4 Tiger, which features the new Dashboard technology,, an independent developer resource web site has been launched.

Dashboard is a technology introduced in Mac OS X 10.4 Tiger which allows developers to create mini applications, called Widgets, using stardard web development tools, including HTML, JavaScript, and CSS. This makes desktop application development possible for a whole new class of developers, who were previously limited to the web in what they could create. features news about Dashboard, tutorials and how-to documents for developers, user-contributed Widgets for download, and a discussion forum for sharing knowledge about Dashboard development techniques. The goal is to foster a community of users, to promote the technology to a wider audience, and to help new users get off to a solid start. is a free resource, funded only by ads powered by the Google AdSense program.

Independent Developer Resource Site Launched for Apple Dashboard

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