Thursday, 26 September 2013

Yaldex JSFactory Pro 2.0

(PRWEB) August 11, 2004

Beside rich possibilities of editing scripts (JavaScript and HTML syntax highlighting, etc) and the built-in preview, the program offers large snippets library with full collection of HTML tags, HTML attributes, HTML events, JavaScript events and JavaScript functions, attributes, statements and operators (such as window, document, frame, history, location, navigator, date, math, string, etc – at whole over 600), allowing you to insert them into web page by click. Yaldex JSFactory Pro is used to create animations and other special effects for Web pages using DOM, DHTML and JavaScript. The special effects are pre-made for your use, and Yaldex JSFactory Pro makes it easy to insert them into your Web pages automatically or manually.

Yaldex JSFactory Pro allows you to input parameters and properties for the different special effects and then creates the HTML and JavaScript code with a click of a button! The HTML and JavaScript code can be then inserted into your document automatically! It’s that simple! Moreover, Yaldex JSFactory Pro contains JavaScript tutorial, HTML tutorial, CSS tutorial, CSS reference, JavaScript reference and HTML reference. The program is designed for beginning and advanced WWW page creators.

Beginners will find invaluable source of attractive and ready-to-use special effects there and will be able to place them on a page easily. Professionals, however, have at last the first specialized tool allowing them to create and test DHTML scripts. One of the most important features is a unique library containing over 200 ready-to-use controlled scripts

Yaldex JSFactory Pro 2.0

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