Tuesday, 18 June 2013

New Programming Tool Helps Developers Produce Higher Quality Code Faster

Staten Island, NY (PRWEB) March 26, 2008

Today Mtelligent Solutions announced the release of Snip-It Pro, the most extensive code snippet manager, designed to give both programmers and web-designers full control over their code library. Using Snip-It Pro, programmers can create, modify and use snippets in one convenient place with any code editor or integrated development environment they wish.

Smart Programmers have used snippets to improve their own productivity for years. Whether they used a snippet manager that was baked into a particular tool or developed their own system of sifting through source files to find useful nuggets of code, the result is the same. Reusing code is always better than writing it from scratch or finding it on the internet. (How much time have you wasted trying to remember what search keyword gave you what you were looking for?)

Snip-It Pro is the fastest and easiest way to organize and use code snippets. Whatever editor you code in, whether it’s a fully featured Integrated Development Environment like Visual Studio and Eclipse, or a simple text editor, Snip-It Pro makes it easier to reuse your code.

Snip-It Pro docks to either the left or right of your screen, allowing you to simply drag and drop code from Snip-It Pro right into your IDE. Creating snippets is just as easy. First create folders to organize your code library the way you want to. Then select the text you want to turn into a snippet and then drag it into the folder where you want to save it.

Snip-It Pro has an integrated search feature that makes it easy to find the snippet that you need. Just enter a keyword or phrase and Snip-It Pro will create a results folder with all matching snippets. You can copy and drag and drop any of the results like any other snippet.

Snip-It Pro monitors the windows clipboard and keeps a history of any text that is cut or copied. You can drag clipboard snippets directly into other applications, or into other folders for permanent storage.

Features that Teams Need

If you work in a team, Snip-It Pro will make your entire team more productive. Team members can access both personal and shared snippet folders where code is organized and accessible to exactly who needs to have access to it. Imagine if your entire team had their best code snippets in one location.

The code your team wrote has been used before and will have less bugs than code written from scratch or found on the internet. If you are working with markup languages like html or xml, nothing beats the consistency of using a snippet. You won’t have to worry about minor typos causing major problems.

Using Snip-It Pro you can control exactly who has access to your code. Snippets are saved as xml files. Change the file attributes and permissions to control access to snippets without going to the file system. Just Right Click a Snippet and Select Properties to view and change its settings.

If your team is disconnected, you can still share your code libraries. Just Right Click any top level folder and select “Export” to export all the snippets beneath it into a single compressed file. You can then email that file to whoever needs it.

A Community Built Around Free Snippets

We are building a community around Snip-It Pro where users can download snippet libraries and share them with other users. Visit the Snippet Libraries and Snippet Forums where we are making several snippet libraries freely available. We have already released libraries for HTML, JavaScript, ASP.Net and Ruby. We will continue to release more snippet libraries for various topics over the coming weeks.

Pricing and Availability

Snip-It Pro runs on Microsoft Windows 2000, 2003, XP, 2008, Vista and requires the Microsoft .Net Framework 2.0. As an introductory offer, the price of Snip-It Pro starts at $ 24.95 (USD) per a single-user license until June 3rd 2008. After that time, the regular price of the product will be $ 39.95 (USD). Licensed users get 12 months of free updates and premium technical support. More information is available from http://www.snipitpro.com/.

NOTE TO EDITORS: For additional information visit http://www.snipitpro.com/

Product page: http://www.snipitpro.com/

Direct download link: http://www.snipitpro.com/tryItFree.html

Company web-site: http://www.snipitpro.com/

E-mail: marketing @ snipitpro.com

Telephone: 917-720-7225


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