Saturday, 29 June 2013

Bizyweb -- Creating a Mashup with Place Management

Palm Springs, CA (PRWEB) September 10, 2007

Bizy, Inc., creator of the seminal Place Management application Bizyweb, has released a new whitepaper entitled ‘Creating a Mashup with Place Management’ which is available now to all registered users at Originally used in the music industry, the term ‘mashup’ also means a web application that combines data from more than one source. The whitepaper follows a step by step approach through the insertion of widgets and content sources using Bizyweb Place Management.

Place Management is based on the notion that no one can anticipate where content needs will arise. So rather than pigeonhole the user into a specific template and location for his content, the application allows a non-technical user to define editable areas on an existing page using a familiar highlight and click approach.

These editable areas are called ‘places’ and the patent-pending application category is called Place Management.

The newest release of the beta version of the single-user product contains a Widget Insertion Tool, such that snippets of code for calendars, time clocks, video players and news sources, can be added in one click to a page. This is described in the whitepaper ‘Creating a Mashup with Place Management’.

Other features of Place Management include adding/deleting links, text, images or even widgets, cloning pages, deleting pages, uploading content for subsequent usage on a page and inserting content into an existing page — all of this from a browser. The application was conceived for use by end-users, but webmasters on the go will appreciate the ability to make sophisticated management and maintenance operations to a site.

Features added to the recent release include enhancements to the user interface, help buttons, support for JavaScript and Mailto links in the Link Place Manager, support for additional mime types in the Content Manager and enhanced table manipulation support for pre-existing tables.

The single-user version is available for free download at after registering, where whitepapers and documentation are also available.

Web hosting firms and web developers should consider offering Bizyweb to their clients. To facilitate this, the partner program Bizyteam was created. Read about partnering with Bizy at

Please visit for more information.

Contact: Sheryl Hamlin 760-668-2956

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Bizyweb -- Creating a Mashup with Place Management

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