Redwood City, CA (PRWEB) May 19, 2011
Sencha, the leading provider of HTML5 frameworks and tools for desktop and mobile application developers, has been named to the annual FierceWireless Fierce 15 list, designating it as one of the top privately held wireless companies of the year. FierceWireless editors evaluated hundreds of organizations, and found Sencha to be one of the fiercest, proven by its creativity and innovations in the marketplace.
FierceWireless, an internationally recognized daily email newsletter reaching more than 78,000 senior wireless industry executives, provides executives in over 100 countries with a quick, authoritative briefing on the days top wireless stories, including new trends and technologies.
Senchas slick HTML5-based mobile app framework is key for developers that want to develop sophisticated web applications for touch-based devices, said Sue Marek, Editor-in-Chief of FierceWireless.
We are thrilled to be recognized by FierceWireless, the industrys must-read news leader, said Michael Mullany, CEO of Sencha. The wireless community depends on FierceWireless to provide the most up-to-date news along with analysis of major industry trends. It is an honor to be recognized by such a well-regarded news outlet.
The FierceWireless Fierce 15 celebrates the spirit of being fierce championing innovation and creativity, even in the face of intense competition. The complete list of winning companies is available on the FierceWireless website at
Web apps are game-changers for application development and deployment
Demand for Sencha open-source Web application frameworks and tools is being driven by two key trends in both business and consumer markets. Publishers, retailers and developers of consumer-facing apps are gravitating toward mobile Web technologies as a flexible solution for reaching mobile users on smartphones and tablets. This transition has been accelerated by the emergence of advanced, WebKit-based mobile browsers that embed the latest HTML5 technologies. In addition, many enterprises have begun to migrate their core enterprise applications from first-generation Web architectures to modern, single-page Web applications powered by the latest AJAX technologies. Enterprises and development firms are increasingly choosing Sencha tools and SDKs because of their ability to deliver faster development times and better user experiences on both the desktop and mobile devices.
About FierceMarkets
FierceMarkets, a leader in B2B e-media, provides information and marketing services in the Telecommunications, Life Sciences, Healthcare, IT, and Finance industries through its portfolio of e-mail newsletters, Web sites, webinars, and live events. Every business day, FierceMarkets’ wide array of publications reaches more than 1,000,000 executives in over 100 countries. Current publications include: Telecom: FierceBroadbandWireless; FierceCable; FierceDeveloper; FierceIPTV; FierceMobileContent; FierceTelecom; FierceOnlineVideo; FierceVoIP; FierceWireless; FierceWireless:Europe. Healthcare: FierceEMR; FierceHealthcare; FierceHealthIT; FierceHealthFinance; FierceHealthPayer; FierceMobileHealthcare; FiercePracticeManagement; Hospital Impact. Life Sciences: FierceBiomarkers; FierceBiotech; FierceBiotech Research; FierceBiotechIT; FierceDrugDelivery; FierceMedicalDevices; FiercePharma; FiercePharma Manufacturing; and FierceVaccines. Energy: FierceEnergy; FierceSmartgrid. Enterprise IT: FierceCIO; FierceCIO:TechWatch; FierceContentManagement; FierceMobileIT. Finance: FierceComplianceIT; FierceFinance; FierceFinanceIT; Government: FierceGovernment; FierceGovernmentIT; FierceHomelandSecurity.
FierceMarkets was acquired in January 2008 by Questex Media Group (, a global diversified b-to-b media provider headquartered in Newton, Mass.
About Sencha Inc.
Sencha equips developers with frameworks, tools and services to help them build highly functional and engaging Web application experiences using HTML5 and JavaScript. The companys flagship product, Sencha Ext JS, is a cross-browser JavaScript framework for building rich Internet applications. It includes high-performance, customizable UI building blocks, a well-architected, extensible component model, and an intuitive, easy-to-use API. More than one million developers worldwiderepresenting more than 150,000 companiesuse the Sencha family of open-source software to build amazing application experiences. Visit Sencha on the web at, read the Sencha blog, and follow us on @sencha.
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FierceWireless Names Sencha as One of its Fierce 15 Wireless Companies of 2011
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