Cambridge, UK (PRWEB) September 27, 2011
Breato is an integrated set of tools and application services that software developers and corporate IT departments can use to build business applications that run in the ‘Cloud’. Breato offers a faster, more cost-effective model for application development and delivery.
There is no need to buy software or hardware. With just an Internet connection, Breato provides access to a powerful rapid application development and runtime platform. This eliminates the need to buy, install, configure, and manage hardware and software. Breato also removes the burden of system administration, security and backing-up.
Pay-as-you-go pricing. With Breato, the platform and the applications that run on it are delivered over the Internet as a service and made available via a simple subscription.
Fast results. By using the Breato platform, new web-based applications that provide real business value can be created quickly.
Rapid deployment. Breato brings analysts, developers and users closer together. New ideas can be built and tested quickly using Breato’s design wizards and template applications, and then made instantly available to users.
Works Like A Desktop
Breato has been designed to have the ‘look and feel of a windows-style system, where multiple forms can be opened and switched between. Traditional web sites only show one page of information at a time. This lets users work the way they are familiar with, not the way the tools make them.
Point. Click. Create.
Unique to the Breato platform is the Designer, which uses a point-and-click approach to creating applications. The Designer eliminates the need for programming know-how. With only a Web browser, business users, administrators, and developers can define the ‘blueprint’ for an application, including the data model, objects, forms, and more. To build more complex applications, developers with a knowledge of JavaScript, CSS and SQL can use the Designer to build highly sophisticated applications that can meet the most demanding requirements of businesses.
Build Applications Quickly
Build new applications in a few hours or days, not weeks or months. Breato’s browser-based development environment and built-in application services make it fast and easy to build new applications. Define the data model, sharing rules, business logic, reports, and dashboards with easy-to-follow, point-and-click tools. The application framework generates data input and output screens, multi-field searching, data auditing, and other features, saving time and money. Breato also has a sophisticated data import tool that allows data to be migrated from existing applications into the new Breato applications.
Add a ‘Cloud’ Interface to Legacy Applications
Many companies have applications that run on platforms that are not exposed to the Internet. This may be for security reasons, the way the applications were designed, or the inability of the systems the applications were built on to access the Internet. Breato can help “web-enable” this data with the Gateway application programming interface. The Gateway allows data to be pushed from existing systems into Breato applications, allowing the data to be presented whenever and wherever required. The Gateway also allows data to be pulled from Breato applications back into legacy applications.
Access the Breato Community
Breato has wikis, blogs, discussion boards, code samples, documentation, and tutorials. All resources are aimed at answering questions quickly and helping get applications built efficiently. Breato also provide in-house and public training courses.
The Breato Marketplace
To increase the speed of application development, Breato built the Marketplace so that developers can take advantage of Breato applications that other people have built and made available for general use. Developers in the Breato community can publish applications through the Marketplace, while anyone in the Breato community can load applications from the Marketplace.
For more information, please contact us at info(at)breato(dot)com or visit us at and try our fully functional demonstrator.
Announcing The Production Release Of Breato, A Versatile And Cost-Effective Service For Building Complex Web Applications
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